Exercise Tips


This is an excellent finisher to your tricep workout. Hold barbell palms toward your feet, thumbs and fingers on the same side. If you don’t have a barbell, you can perform the exercise with dumbbells held horizontally. Press the small of your back into the bench, tipping pelvis under. Abs tight. Keeping the elbows directly …


Today’s Workout: Kiana’s Killer Compound Moves | Total Body Barbell Blast

Aloha Flex Appealers! Here is a fast moving workout using barbells or dumbbells. 3-4 rounds 1 minute each exericse / 15 seconds rest OR 15 reps each exercicse before moving on to the next motion Beginners: Light Weights Intermediate: Use a weight that makes the last few reps challenging Advanced: Use heavier weights and add …

Today’s Workout: Kiana’s Killer Compound Moves | Total Body Barbell Blast Read More »

Fun Fit! Partner Squats with your Fit Kid

Fun Fit! Partner Squats with your Fit Kid

Have fun while getting fit with Partner Squats! Face each other, feet shoulder width apart. Shoulders retracted and pushed down, head neutral. Hold hands. Keeping your back straight, squat down as if you are sitting in a chair. Exhale as you stand back up, pushing thru the heels. Repeat 10 times. Smile!

1 Move for Tighter, Firmer, Sexier Arms

Want tight, firm arms? Take a Dip! Tricep Dips! I love doing tricep dips. Dips are one of the very BEST exercises for firming the back of the upper arms which can get flabby if untrained. You can do them anywhere: At the gym, hotel, at home. If you’re at home you can do dips …

1 Move for Tighter, Firmer, Sexier Arms Read More »

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