Stretch I do every night
This stretch is wonderful anytime or for relief for sciatic pain from Piriformis syndrome.
Stretch after every workout when your muscles are warm and every night before bed.
I receive many emails asking me for tips on stretching. Stretching is just as important as lifting weights and eating healthfully. I stretch every night before bed (with candles and relaxing music 🙂 It helps me sleep better and stay flexible.
How to do it:
Lie flat on your back
Cross your left ankle over your right knee, hip open
Grasp behind your right upper leg, breathe out and gently pull
Exhale as you pull, don't bounce
You can have your shoulders flat on the floor or slightly up off the floor
Repeat other leg
Do each leg 3x
Hi there,
I was searching for some articles about piriformis syndrome when I came across your page.
Just wanted to give you a heads up that I created something that would be a great addition to your post resources. It’s an article that describes in detail what causes the piriformis syndrome and how you can treat it yourself with 3 exercises.
Let me know if this is something you be interested in and I’ll send it your way to check it out .
Either way, keep up the good work!
Hi Martin! Sure that sounds great! Feel free to email: Thank you! Julie