Fit Family Fun
Wet & Wild Water Park, Palm Springs, CA
Enjoy Fit Family Fun for the day! Wet & Wild Water Park is a a wild, fun place to get wet and stay cool for summer or spring break! This was my first time to a water park!~ So much fun! Before you go, here are some tips and recommendations to make your day as smooth and wonderful as possible. Being the health and fitness minded person I am, let's start with the food.
- Food: The healthiest food I found was a turkey sandwich by the Cabana Beach. I recommend bringing your own food in a cooler & put a locker, if you aren't down with processed turkey.
- Drinks: Buy the souvenir Wet & Wild cup that you can refill for free. Bring your own water bottles if you want to save money and save time not waiting in line.
- Cleanliness: As a clean freak, I was pleasantly surprised how clean the Park was!
- Cabana: I recommend getting a Cabana by the wave pool, it gives you a covered area to get out of the sun and a home base for everyone to meet. Plus you get goodies such as inner tubes, misters and food service.
- Group: This would be a fun place for a birthday party or Team bonding!
Make it a weekend! So many great hotels and restaurants in beautiful sunny Palm Springs, CA too!
It's 110 degrees in Palm Springs, CA! What should we do today?
How about trying Wet & Wild Water Park? I had never been there before or to ANY water park for that matter.
First stop, let's figure out what to do, what to see!
Let's change into our swimsuits and get WET
Love the Muscle Beach reference for the Men!
Love the man made wave pool! Perfect waves every time!
Even a pretend sandy beach! Funny to see for this Hula Fit Mom!
They had pretty blue VIP Cabanas to hang out in
A must to stay out of the desert sun!
Life vests if you need them for the kids. Rafts. Life Guards, too!
Hm. Let's see what type of food they have? Is it healthy? I recommend eating first, the food isn't too healthy. But the kiddies loved it! Besure and get the souvenier cups with free refills! You get really thirsty, it's HOT!
This was a favorite place to get WET!
Fit Mom Germaphobe thought-is that recycled water you're pouring on peoples heads? Eeek!
Loved the bright yellow & pink Funnel Slide
And the Cool Spray Shower!
When my husband and Anelalani went into the maze, we couldn't find them!? It's HUGE!
I double dared Dennis to do the BIG SLIDE!
I suppose compared to running into a burning building, it's not that scary!? (He's a fire chief)
Kiana Jr. size slide 🙂
Anelalani loved floating in the pool after the long slide ride! I loved it too, but who would take the pictures? 🙂
Anelalani makes the surfing look so easy! Wish I had a photo of Dennis wiping out!
Lots of fun! We will be BAAACK
Mahalo and thank you to Wet and Wild Palm Springs, CA for hosting us.