Workout Plans
Beginner Resistance Band and Tubing Workout 4 Week Program
This is a total body workout plan that you can do anywhere: at home, in the gym, outdoors, dorm, office or in a hotel room. You will train 3x per week. This Plan is easy to follow, with video exercise demonstrations, exact sets and repetitions so you know exactly what to do! Click image below to get started! Keep on Flexing!
Kiana’s 4 Week Fitness Plan
Download Kiana’s 4 Week Fitness Program and start today! Includes complete workout plans, exercise explanations and photographs so you know exactly what to do. Can be performed at home, gym, travel.
Workout Plan: Advanced | Plus +1
I created this workout on a Sunday morning and LOVE it! Sunday is usually my day off from lifting, but I wanted to get in a total body workout that left me feeling PUMPED, before sitting in the car for 2 hours going to watch Kiana Jr. soccer tournament. I’ve been lifting weights since I …
12 Days of FitMas | 9th Day | Super Sets and Triple Sets
Change up your workout routine so it’s less routine. By keeping your muscles guessing and constantly trying to adapt to change, you will build a more well-rounded physique. In addition, it’s more fun and more challenging to do a fresh, new training routine each time you workout. Supersets and trisets are a challenging way to …
12 Days of FitMas | 9th Day | Super Sets and Triple Sets Read More »
Today’s Workout: Kiana’s Killer Compound Moves | Total Body Barbell Blast
Aloha Flex Appealers! Here is a fast moving workout using barbells or dumbbells. 3-4 rounds 1 minute each exericse / 15 seconds rest OR 15 reps each exercicse before moving on to the next motion Beginners: Light Weights Intermediate: Use a weight that makes the last few reps challenging Advanced: Use heavier weights and add …
Today’s Workout: Kiana’s Killer Compound Moves | Total Body Barbell Blast Read More »