Chocolate Protein Pancake Recipe
You’ve got to try this recipe for chocolate protein pancakes! I usually don’t eat pancakes because they are traditionally just carbs. But this one has protein, chia seeds or flax seeds! My kids love it too!
You’ve got to try this recipe for chocolate protein pancakes! I usually don’t eat pancakes because they are traditionally just carbs. But this one has protein, chia seeds or flax seeds! My kids love it too!
Aloha flex Appealers! Thank you for all of your requests for simple healthy dishes! Sooooooo, What’s for dinner tonight? How about TIKI TOFU!? Do you want a healthy fast recipe that is incredibly delicious like you would get in a restaurant? You’ve got to try this #plantbased dish. I made this the other night and …
Want dessert without the guilt? Try Protein Pudding! Creamy, sweet & loaded with muscle building protein I don’t know about you but I love desserts, but will literally beat myself up for it for hours (okay days) for eating it. I’m lucky I don’t have a sweet tooth anymore, probably because 30+ years in fitness, …
I love turkey! We eat it year round, not just for Turkey Day. It’s a healthy, lean protein choice. Here is a favorite recipe I will make in the morning and it’s ready when we get home for dinner. It’s like the “chef” is cooking for us all day! Hope you enjoy this as much as we do!
What’s for Dinner tonight? How about Lemon Garlic Chicken Breasts? Put this in by noon and come home with dinner ready! The whole house smells so good, like you’ve been cooking for hours! Fit Food Prep! it’s super easy to make in the slow cooker and easy to clean up. Put it in in the …
Recipe: Hi Protein Lemon Garlic Chicken Breasts Slow Cooker Read More »
Why I LOVE this Healthy Hearty Tortilla Chicken Soup Recipe 100x Better than Tortilla Soup in a restaurant: Much More chicken (most restaurants don’t use enough chicken and it’s usually not all white meat either) Made with entirely white meat chicken, clean, organic You are making it. Being a slight (okay, total) germaphobe, you know …
Healthy Protein Peanut Butter Balls Fun for Kids to Make & Eat Natural Ingredients. Healthy Snack or Dessert My mom and I used to make these when I was a little girl. I remember how fun it was to roll them into balls. It is a special memory my mom and I share, I think …
Protein Peanut Butter Balls Recipe: Fit Kids TV Video Recipe Read More »
My milkshake is better than yours ….la la-la la la I’ve been called the “Queen of Fitness” by Entertainment Tonight & Access Hollywood. But My friends and family call me the Protein Shake Queen! LOVE Dessert with benefits! I have to have my protein shakes ice cold. But I don’t like making protein shakes using …
Serve with zucchini or asparagus and salad. A favorite for Super Bowl Game Day or Any day! Always gone before kick off. Make a double batch. Oven Fried. Crunchy. Delicious. 2 Ways to Make : Fast or Traditional: FAST WAY: Rub wings with favorite spice(s). Bake at 375 degrees app. 40 minutes. Fast but not …
Here is one of my favorite recipes that I have been making ever since the bodybuilding & Kiana’s Flex Appeal days! Now I make it for my kids and they LOVE it! I make this every week and keep it in the refrigerator to add to lettuce wraps, in taco shells, in pita bread, put on pizza, or stuff bell peppers. It’s great for lunches and to put in air tight containers to enjoy with baked tortilla chips for lunch on the go.
Bananas are a great source of potassium; an important mineral that beats fatigue and enables the body’s enzymes to control energy production. The greens give this shake an added punch of vitamins!
I first made this recipe when I was a NFL cheerleader. I have since modified my original recipe to be much healthier using organic veggies and more protein. This healthy side dish is always gone before kick off! It has lots of protein and veggies. Kids and adults love it! And it’s great for parties!
My kids and I love making this recipe. Now that they are 6 and 11, they can do it themselves 🙂 This is a fun and delicious recipe I used to make with my mom. I modified it to be healthier and have a wider variety of crunchy options! In Hawaii, we would add macadamia nuts (high in fat – beware but so good), coconut and dried fruit too! Enjoy! Psst: Fit Kids Recipe video to come 🙂
Here is an easy, healthy protein breakfast that you can make in 1 min. At the same time you start making it, pop the whole wheat toast in the toaster and put on some natural pnut butter and your ready to go!
1. Add Nuts and Oats to your everyday foods Power Pancakes: Add a handful of trail mix, nuts, steel cut oats, dried fruit into your whole wheat pancake batter before you cook them. Top with protein packed Greek Yogurt, apple sauce, agave nectar, almond butter, fresh fruit or organic honey. “I make a couple dozen …
Gold Medal Fuel: 4 Ways to Add Power to Your Food Read More »