mini meals
Protein Oatmeal in 3 minutes
My go – to breakfast and pre workout mini meal, super simple and so healthy.
Why You Should Eat Every 2-3 Hours
How many meals do you eat per day? I eat 5 Mini Meals (mm) & 1 Muscle Meal (MM) per day. I have always eaten every 2-3 hours to keep my blood sugar levels even. I eat 1200 -1500 calories per day to maintain my weight, keep energy even. I’ve done this since college and …
Fit Food Tip: 1 Min. Breakfast / Egg in a Cup
Here is an easy, healthy protein breakfast that you can make in 1 min. At the same time you start making it, pop the whole wheat toast in the toaster and put on some natural pnut butter and your ready to go!