Favorite Fit Mom Healthy Breakfasts
Start the Day Right! Energize!
Mom always said, "Don't skip Breakfast" She was right.
You've been sleeping for 8 hours. Okay, let's be realistic. You've been sleeping for 4.75 hours. Your body is hungry. You need to feed your muscles.
Make 1. 2 or 3 for a healthy relaxing diverse breakfast.
- Drink Me: Coconut Coffee (Great for skin and hair): Adds a creamy rich flavor to your morning coffee and anti oxidants too! Gorgeous Green Drink: Blend a handful of spinach, frozen pineapple, 1/2 frozen banana with coconut water, vanilla protein powder. Sip & go!
- Maui Potatoes: Sweet Maui Onions sprinkled in diced potatoes brown (tanned) and crunchy. Hot & moist inside. Delish with eggs.
- Kona Banana Bread: A family tradition, Fit Mom-ified so no sugar added. Just the natural sugar from ripe bananas.
- Baked Oatmeal: Fills your house with the smells of baked oatmeal cookies.
- Volcano Pancakes: Fun to make! Kids love to see the volcano rise!
- Anti Aging Pumpkin Pancakes: Yes you read that right 🙂
- Roasted Potatoes and Peppers: Mmm. Crunchy on the outside, moist on the inside. Perfect complement to barbecue chicken or steak. Saves well for when people arrive at different times. Gets better the longer they cook.
- Got Kids? Watch Fit Kids Kitchen video making Fruit Kabobs and organic honey dip
- Spinach Frittata: Loaded with healthy organic spinach and protein filled egg whites!
- On the go? Grab a 100% all natural Kiana Bar made entirely with wholefoods real ingredients found in your pantry: organic almonds, cashews, flax, gluten free oats... Delish to crumble on top of Greek Yogurt too!
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