Instead, focus on making a lifestyle change toward healthier foods one snack or one meal at a time.

🌴5 Simple Tips to Eat Healthier for more Energy & to Create Healthy Habits

🌺🥕Crave crunch? Swap chips for crunchy mini carrots or thin cucumber slices dipped in protein rich hummus or Baked tortillas. When I go out to Mexican restaurants I order a side of cucumbers to dip in the salsa or steamed corn tortillas instead of fried.

🥤Swap sugary or chemical filled sodas for sparkling water 💦 infused with fresh fruit 🍉 for natural flavor & nutrients. Get my best selling Infusion Bottles here

⏰Eat every 2-3 hours to regulate blood sugar, prevent binging and keep energy levels even.  Try new recipes to add to your rotation. It’s easier to eat healthfully when you have a “go-to” collection of recipes. Here are mine, in my Fit Cooking Book. Follow a simple Whole Foods plant based or weight loss meal plan to achieve your weight loss goal. Use my calorie calculator to figure out the recommended calories to consume for your weight loss or weight gain goal.

💪🏼Reach for nutrient dense food that give your body fuel as opposed to empty calories. Choose lean protein or #plantbased alternatives. I’ve been eating plant-based lately and I love it I feel so lean and so much more energy. I haven’t had red meat in years. If you would like to try it, here is an excellent plant-based meal program

🛒Shop The perimeter of the grocery store where the fresh food, & protein are stored. Skip the center isles where they sell the prepackaged processed foods.  All of my meal plans include all the recipes, & the itemized grocery lists by aisle to make it super easy for you to stay on track.

If you want to lose weight & increase energy, I highly recommend a simple program that regulates blood sugar levels resulting in weight loss & energy gain.

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