Happy Holidays! Merry Fit Mas!
The benefits of exercise are cumulative!
Do a little throughout your day, it all adds up to a fitter, leaner, stronger, happier YOU!
It's time to ramp it up and workout SMART! What does that mean? It means spend less time working out and getting better results with shorter, more intense workouts that maximize every precious minutes of your time. Think compound moves that strengthen multiple muscles in one motion. Think alternating cardio with weight lifting to reduce fat and gain all important lean muscle. Think no rest in-between sets, but move from one exercise immediately to the next. AND.... add simple extra activities throughout the day to enjoy the benefits that cumulative training has to offer. Remember, the benefits of exercise all add up. Increase your activity and muscle strengthening efforts easily during the day with things you're already doing with my simple 8 unique ways.
8 Unique Ways to Be More Active during the busy Holidays!
1. Lunge walk from your car to your house with your shopping bags (yes I really do this! Neighbors think I'm so funny)
2. Do curls with grocery bags from the grocery store to your car
3. Do calf raises while you brush your teeth (I've done this for years. Before Kiana's Flex Appeal and BodyShaping !)
4. Check your smart phone texts & emails while holding plank
5. Take your conference calls or talk on the phone doing wall sit
6. Do Kegels in traffic (ha ha:) why not?
7. Do abdominal isometrics while on the car
8. Do seated Piraformis static stretch while on the plane (Did you know? When I was filming Kiana's Flex Appeal I led a Airplane Workout that could be done in your seat? It played on the televisions on the airplanes!)✈️
Can YOU add any more ways to be Active During the day?______________
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