There is a women empowerment movement going on around right now & I’m so proud to be part of it! Mahalo for the nomination! I’ve always loved seeing women succeed, take charge & get it done! All while balancing family at the same time!
“Live life with kindness, compassion, spreading joy & positivity, encouraging others to achieve their potential.” Kiana
I am so proud to be a strongwoman in our world, to be leader in the fitness industry, "role model to the Asian community in a Predominantly Caucasian industry” & especially for being a mom to 2 amazing strong girls-
I come from a long line of strongwomen in my family. My grandmother raised 5 children on her own, her husband had a heart condition & could not work. She created a family business:
1. packaging tea & selling it to Dept. stores such as Nieman Marcus. My mom & her sisters would package the tea for her as grandma went door to door to
2. sell life insurance in Asian communities. Grandma spoke 5 languages fluently & helped different cultures in her community secure insurance. She became the 1st woman to receive the coveted Million Dollar Round Table Award for selling over $1 million in insurance for NewYorkLife This was back in the day when women didn’t work, esp. minority women & she told me a loaf of bread cost $.10-
My mom was a physical education teacher for 40 years, pioneered exercise classes which she named “Figure Control, was the college’s volleyball, basketball & tennis coach.. We have so much fun looking at her old college textbooks & lesson plans to see how exercise has evolved yet stayed the same.-True Fact: on their 70th birthday, my grandmother went skydiving and my mom went parasailing. Mom went parasailing while I was filming KianasFlexAppeal in the Bahamas & we can see her parasailing behind us as we waived during the show.