This is a complete ONLINE total body workout program.
Reduce fat, get leaner & stronger with this complete 4-week program. Access my "Shred & Sculpt" workout plan complete with the 4-week workout plan with the exact sets, repetitions & exercise demonstrations so you know what to do.
Easy to follow online or on the members only app. or browser. Start each workout with a 10-minute general warmup. Follow with a light set of each exercise on the day's plan. After that, you’ll do the main workout, then cap it off with some finishing work and a 10-minute cooldown. Select a weight that makes it challenging to perform the designated number of repetitions. Use strict form throughout.
You will train 3 days per week, 30 min per session. Upon completion of purchase, you will receive an email to access the workout on our app or browser. Gear needed: dumbbells & a bench. $49.95 4 week program