3 Day Whole Foods Detox Cleanse & Shopping List

3 Day Detox: Do you want to have tighter, clearer skin? A flatter tummy? More energy?

Then try a Whole Foods Cleanse.

How to know if you need a Cleanse? You might need a cleanse if:

  • you feel bloated
  • you haven't been eating as healthfully as you should
  • if your skin isn't as tight or elastic as it usually is
  • if your skin has redness or your eyes have bags and puffiness
  • if you don't have energy like you normally do
  • aren't sleeping well
  • (Hm, well I think that covers 99% of us.)

I like to do a Cleanse once or twice per year, usually at the start of Spring! Like spring cleaning your body and getting rid of harmful toxins.  My skin is better, I have more energy, I feel lighter and leaner.

3 Day Whole Foods Detox

2 Options for Whole Foods Detox Cleanses:

Both types of Cleanses incorporate high quality SUPER FOODS, to give your body clean forms of nutrition.  Because the foods are fresh, natural, free of pesticides and not processed, it's easier for your body to absorb the nutrients and it's easy on the digestive system.

  1. Whole Foods Juices Only Cleanse: You will drink juices made with whole foods to cleans & detoxify your body
  2. Whole Foods Meal Plan: You will eat organic, whole foods MEALS to cleanse & detoxify your body
  3. Meals & Juices: I like to do a little of both because I don't feel satisfied only drinking my meals.  I'll do a juice for breakfast, whole foods meal for lunch & juice for dinner.  Choose what interests you most and the option that you will be able to stick with for 3 days.3 Day Detox Plan

Both the Whole Foods Meal Cleanse and the Juice Only Cleanse help get rid of toxins and put your body in balance.  (This is one of the main reasons I created the WHOLE FOODS recipe for my Kiana Bars: 100% All Natural, Whole Foods ingredients.   All nutrition source comes from Whole Food Ingredients.)


This is a wonderful Cleanse from the Dr. Oz show.  I like it because it's only 3 days and uses WHOLE FOODS which you blend into 3-4 Juices per day.  I don't recommend pre made shakes that aren't fresh and often contain chemicals & junk.  All of the foods in this JUICE ONLY CLEANSE are super foods to nourish and fuel your body.   The only downside to the Juice Only Cleanse is that because I train hard with Flex HIIT and weights, I often find it doesn't give me enough energy and I don't have the energy to give 100% to my workouts.  If I know I'll be training hard, I'll eat a Whole Foods Organic small meal before I train.  Or I'll take 3 days and do light workouts while I do the JUICE CLEANSE.

My daily morning Power Juices that I make are very similar to the recipes in Dr. Oz' 3 Day Detox Cleanse. The reason I like these recipes are that they contain Super Power Foods such as: kale, lemons, berries, spinach, coconut oil...foods I regularly eat.  The main difference for me is that the 3 days will only include juice.  No actual meals.  If you prefer a 3 Day Detox using Whole Food Meals that you enjoy as meals, you might like my delicious 3 Day Whole Foods Meal Plans here.

When you cleanse, you may feel withdrawl symptoms from junk foods and highly processed foods, just as if you were once smoking, drinking.  If you want to read more about the 3 Day Detox Cleanse & how to avoid withdrawl symptoms, visit Dr. Oz' website here.


This is a realistic 3 day detox menu plan with recipes using organic, whole foods.  It’s a clean way of eating that is easy on the digestive system and high in lean protein, fruit and vegetables.  Detox your body with ORGANIC, WHOLE FOODS MEALS. This is a wonderful 3 day Detox Menu Plan that incorporates healthy foods found in your local grocery store. No gimmicks or fads, just healthy clean eating.  This is NOT A JUICE BASED DETOX.  This Menu Plan uses whole foods and you eat delicious, fresh, organic meals that are simple to make.  Many people choose this option if they prefer to "eat" their meals.

Upon purchase, you can download the 3 Day Detox Menu Plan to get started right away!  Order here.

[bs_button size="md" type="info" value="ORDER THE 3 DAY WHOLE FOODS DETOX PLAN HERE" href="http://shop.kiana.com/collections/recipes-diet/products/3-day-whole-foods-detox-menu-plan"]

3 Day Whole Foods Meal Plan

I am going to start this on Monday March 21st, if you want to do it with me, follow me on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram and hashtag #kianadetox.  Have a fit day!

3 Day Whole Foods Cleanse: Meals or Juice

 Disclaimer: This Cleanse may not be for everyone.  Consult a physician before starting this or any nutrition program.

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