Aloha! Let’s make my favorite Salmon Beach Bowl! You can also make Salmon Rolls! 

Ingredients: wild caught salmon, white or brown rice, chili onion crunch sauce, organic avocado, green onion, Persian cucumber, Sriracha mayo sauce recipe below optional toppings include: toasted, sesame seeds, and seaweed to make salmon rolls. 

Directions: preheat oven to 425°. Place your salmon in a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Generously topped with chili crunch sauce. Bake for 30 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 145°. 

While the salmon is cooking, Make the rice in a rice cooker or a faster option 3 min. microwavable brown rice. I always keep a dozen of these on hand. They sell them in brown or jasmine rice. – Next, chop your cucumbers, green onions, and avocado

Time to eat! serve the salmon hot on top of a bit of rice with the toppings or mixed together to make salmon rolls – if you like this recipe, check out my Fit Cooking book here: – 

All items I use are available in my Amazon shop Fit Cooking category here:… including the rice cooker I’ve had for years, reliable thermomete- I’ve had $100 thermometers & this $10 one is better than all of them!, Microwavable bowls, bulk rice, glass food, storage containers etc. Keep on flexing! 💪🏼🌴😎 

#healthyrecipe #salmonbowl #salmonsushi #fitfastfood #kianasfitcooking #healthydinnerrecipe #seafood #eatclean #healthyfood


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